We use only approved parts as specified by you or your insurance company.
Below are descriptions of the types of parts used in collision repair.
New OEM Parts
these parts come from the Original Equipment Manufacturer ('OEM') for your vehicle: either the manufacturer of your vehicle or the source formerly or currently used by your manufacturer for parts for your vehicle. They have never been on another vehicle.
Salvage Parts
these are OEM parts that have been removed from another vehicle of your make and model (or a substitutable make and model). They are from the same source as the damaged parts that will be replaced, but have been used on another vehicle.
Remanufactured Salvage Parts
These are OEM parts that have been removed from another vehicle of your make and model (or a substitutable make and model), and have then been returned to 'as new' condition. They are from the same source as the damaged parts that will be replaced, but have been used on another vehicle, and then reconditioned or rebuilt.
Aftermarket Parts
These parts have been manufactured to replace OEM parts by companies other thatn the OEM.